When you sell your own products with Spreadshirt, you earn money. To make sure your earnings are safe and secure, you can effectively protect your account – where your payment information is saved – from unauthorized access using two-factor authentication. We recommend two-factor authentication to anyone who regularly earns large amounts with Spreadshirt.
How to activate two-factor authentication
Log into your Partner Area as usual and open the Security settings . Scroll down to the “Two-factor authentication” section and click “Set up now”. In the next step, you’ll be asked to set up an authenticator app. If you already use an authenticator app on your phone, you can skip the first point.
- Download an authenticator app onto your smartphone: take your smartphone and use it to open your app store. Search for an authenticator app and install it on your phone. We recommend the apps from the major, established providers such as Google (Android/iOS), Microsoft (Android/iOS), Authy (Android/iOS), 1Password (Android/iOS) or the LastPass Authenticator (Android/iOS). – but there are many other authenticator apps out there worth using. You’ll then use this app to get the access codes to log into your Partner Area. That is your second factor. And because this second factor is separate from your Spread Name and password, it’s better protection for your Spread account.
- Scan the QR code: open the authenticator app on your smartphone and add another account (you can do this in most apps by tapping “+”). Select the scan QR code function and point your smartphone camera at the QR code shown in your Partner Area. A numeric code will now appear in your app. Enter this for confirmation in your Partner Area. Then click “Accept”.
Your two-factor authentication is now successfully set up.
Secure recovery codes
Before you log in for the first time using two-factor authentication, however, you must download the recovery codes shown in your Partner Area and save them in a safe place on your computer or smartphone.
You’ll need your recovery codes if your smartphone – i.e. your second factor – is lost or broken beyond repair. You can also use these codes to log into your Partner Area without your smartphone and set up a new second factor.